
December 14, 2024

ZoeysDojo Ugly Sweater Classic 2024 - PRO / AM Oregon


Albany, OR

Ugly Sweater Classic 2024

We have made it to the 6th annual Ugly Sweater Classic. Thank you all for making this bigger and better each year. 

Last year we sold out in a mind blowing 4.5 hours. I appreciate all your support and look forward to seeing you all once again.

We will once again be back at the Linn Co Fair and Expo Center's 21k sq. ft. Santiam Building in Albany, OR.



December 13th ( Friday-day before the comp) at the Linn Co fairgrounds Santiam building from noon-7 pm.

Hotel Information:

Comfort Suites Linn Co Fairground and Expo

100 Opal St NE Albany, OR 97322

Phone Number: (541) -497- 7782

Athlete Check IN:

7:30 am Saturday morning (December 14th) you'll receive comp shirt and gift bag.

Rules Meeting:

Briefing will take place at 8:30 (December 14th) 

Spectator Admission:

FREE but please bring your own chair (chairs will not be provided)

We will be running a FREE Live Feed again through the Ugly Sweater Classic page on Facebook


Qualifying for Nationals:

Novice: 1st place will get a nationals invite

Open and Masters: 1-3 place will get a nationals invite

PRO Class : As long as there is 6 or more athletes in the PRO class (and show up) the PRO class can happen which will entail a cash prize for 1-3 and "pro status" to the winner of the class as well as an invite to a USS Pro International comp. Minimum of 6 must show up to the comp to make this work. If 12 show up, the top 2 athletes get "pro status" and the USS Pro International comp invite, 18+ athletes sign up in the PRO class and 18+ show up, the top 3 get "pro status" and invites to USS Pro International Comp along with an invite to Nationals.

Cash prizes are as follows per PRO weight class (CASH payout depends on amount signed up per class):

6-11 athletes signed up in a PRO class : 1st place-500$ , 2nd Place-300$, 3rd place- 200$

12-17 athletes signed up in a PRO class: 1st place-750$, 2nd place-400$, 3rd place-225$

18+ athletes signed up in a given PRO class: 1st place-1000$ , 2nd place- 500$, 3rd place-250$


For all events:

  1. Grip shirts are allowed (please no Strongman Corp grip shirts)
  2. Belts, straps, sleeves are allowed
  3. No tacky or tacky substitute
  4. No gloves


Event 1: Max Axle Clean and Press:

Time limit: 30 seconds per attempt

Scoring: MAX LBS

Wessel Rules: athlete will have 3 attempts to find a max on the axle clean and press. Axle will be loaded with tires and plates. At the words go the athlete will clean the axle up to the front rack position and then continue to press over head for one single rep. Once the athlete shows control and full lockout the down command will be given and the athlete MUST show control bringing the implement back down. ABSOLUTELY NO tree topping. The athlete will get 3 chances to find a max at anytime if the athlete misses one of those 3 attempts they will be out and recorded for their last successful attempt. Each lane will run independently.

Items allowed: belt, under belt, sleeves, wrist wraps, grip shirt, chalk, liquid chalk.


Event 2: Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

Time Limit: 60 seconds

Distance: 20,30,40 ft

Scoring: ft+mm:ss

After the 3...2....1... go command the athlete will start with the heaviest sandbag carry it 20 ft and set the bag vertically, then the athlete will run back to the middle (second heaviest bag) and carry it 30 ft and set the sandbag vertically on top of the first sandbag, lastly the athlete will run back and grab the last bag (the lightest sandbag) and carry it 40 ft and time will finish when the athlete loads the sandbag successfully on top of the middle sandbag creating your sandbag snowman. If the snowman falls over and you run out of the 60 second time cap you will be rewarded the 89 ft instead of 90 feet. If you finish it successfully time will stop when hands are off the last bag and you will be rewarded the 90 ft plus the time that you finished at. 


Items allowed: liquid chalk, chalk, belts, grip shirt, sleeves


Event 3: Mammoth Bar Deadlift:

Time limit: 60 seconds

Scoring : Reps

After the 3..2...1 go command the athlete will start to hit reps on the deadlift. Once the deadlift is given the down command they may bring the bar back to the ground and go for another rep. The bars will be 10 ft mammoth style bars and touch and go will NOT be allowed, the bar must go all the way back to the floor completely with slack out of the bar to continue to the next rep . The athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. The athlete will be rewarded for how many successful reps were completed. 

Items allowed: straps, figure 8s, sleeves, briefs, suits, baby powder, chalk, competition shirt, belt, under belt


Event 4: Grip Medley  Featuring Country Crush and Monkee Grip

Time Limit: 90 seconds

Distance: 30 ft each (90 feet total)

Scoring: ft + mm:ss

After the 3...2...1.. go command the athlete will pick up the kettlebell by the Monkee Grip ropes and carry the implement 30 ft to where they will set the implement down and walk over to seated board . The athlete will then grab the rope that is attached to a sled and continue to arm over arm pull the sled until it passes the blue tape (30 ft distance). Then the athlete will pull the sled backwards ensuring hands are on the Country Crush rolling handles the whole time to the starting line (blue tape). Once the time cap of 90 seconds or the athlete finishes all three tests the time will stop and the athlete will be rewarded the distance they got to plus the time.

Items allowed: chalk, liquid chalk, belts, sleeves


Event 5: Thor's Hammer Hold Featuring Tribe WOD

Scoring: +mm:ss

At the 3..2...1 go command the athlete will bring the Tribe WOD THOR HAMMER up past chest level out in front of them and hold it there for max time. Once the hammer drops to parallel or past the athlete will get 1 warning and once the athlete does it again their time will stop and they will be rewarded the time they were at up to that point. This will be a front hold with two hands the hands must be placed under the head of the hammer on the handle. Each lane will run independently.

Items allowed: belt, chalk,


Once again thank you all for what you have done to make this comp better each year, I had an absolute blast last year and I hope you all did as well. I look forward to seeing you all in December and as always if you have questions please get a hold of me. Take care and keep training hard.


During your training period, along with your videos during and after the comp please tag #uglysweaterclassic , I love seeing all the training videos and all of your progress over the last few years.



Linn Co Fair and Expo Center Santiam Building

3700 Knox Butte Rd E

Albany, OR 97322


Start time: 9 am 


Meet Director:

Jeff Walling- Owner of ZoeysDojo LLC

US Strongman State Rep- OR


Instagram: jwalling136










Linn County Expo Center
3700 Knox Butte Rd E
Albany, OR 97322
View Map
Dec 14, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Jeffery Walling

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Max Axle C&PDo You Wanna Build A Snowman?Mammoth Bar DeadliftGrip Medley ft. Country Crush and Monkee GripThor's Hammer Hold ft. Tribe WOD
Novice W HW (165+)wessel150,130,10029270,Heavy15
Novice W LW (165-)wessel130,100,7524270,Heavy15
Open W LW (132-)wessel150,130,10029280,Heavy+15
Open W MW (165-)wessel150,130,10029280, Heavy ++25
Open W HW (198-)wessel230,150,130362100,Heavy++45
Open W SHW (+)wessel250,175,15042270,Heavy+++45
Masters Women (Single Class)wessel150,130,10024280,Heavy+25
Teen W LW (165-)wessel130,100,7524270,Heavy25
Teen W HW (165+)wessel230,150,13029270,Heavy25
Pro Womenwessel270,230,150472100,Heavy+++55
Pro Women (165-)wessel230,150,130362100,Heavy++25
Novice M HW (220+)wessel250,230,150472205,Heavy++35
Novice M LW (220-)wessel200,175,150382205,Heavy35
Open M LW (181-)wessel300,250,175512270,Heavy+55
Open M HW (275-)wessel330,250,175602270,Heavy++55
Masters Men (Single Class)wessel250,230,150472270,Heavy+55
Teen M LW (220-)wessel200,175,150382205,Heavy+35
Teen M HW (220+)wessel250,230,150472205, Heavy++35
Adaptive M Seatedwessel200,175,15047253,44,Heavy35
Pro Menwessel400,270,200702315,Heavy++++70
Pro Men (220-)wessel330,250,175602270,Heavy++55

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 31, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.