
June 29, 2024

Utah's Strongest Kid


Murray, UT

** Utah’s Strongest Kid 2024 **

We invite all kids ages 5-12 to come compete in Utah’s first ever kid-only strongman competition! Athletes of all skill levels are welcome to come compete and have fun! We will be building super cool scaled down classic strongman implements to fit any athlete. There are four groups of competitors Boys: ages 5-8 and 9-12 and Girls ages 5-8 and 9-12. 

Athletes will be given competition T-shirts and gift bags full of goodies. Top 3 finishers in each class will also receive special trophies. 

Event weights and additional details are coming soon. 


1- Press medley: Log, barbell press, CDB

Athletes will have 60 seconds to clean and press all three implements for time. Times will be taken for each completed lift. 

2- Yoke to Frame Carry

Athletes will have 60 seconds to run yoke down a 30 foot course then move to a frame and run back 30 feet. Both implements must cross the line. Athlete with the fastest completion of both implements wins. Distance will be marked if unable to finish in time. 

3- Conan's Wheel

Athletes will have 60 seconds to move the Conan's wheel in a circle for as long as they can without dropping the weight. Total distance is measured. 

4- Fingal's Finger

Athletes will have 60 seconds to pick up implement and walk it end over end as many times as possible before the time runs out. 

5- Atlas Stone Run

Using rubber medicine balls- Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete the stone run. Stones will be loaded over a bar and placed lightest to heaviest. All weight classes will do the same stones for time. 

The Sweaty Pig
30 150 W St
Murray, UT 84107
View Map
Jun 29, 2024

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Matthew Fairbrother

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Events and Weights
Division Press medley: Log, barbell press, CDB Yoke to Frame CarryConan's WheelFingal's FingerAtlas Stone Run
Girls 5-8 years oldTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Girls 9-12 years oldTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Boys 5-8 years oldTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Boys 9-12 years oldTBDTBDTBDTBDTBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 15, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
47 spots remain.